How would you define spirituality?
Spirituality for me is not so much a prescribed belief system as a type of experience Matthew Fox has called "unitive experience." In this kind of experience the sense of self is expanded beyond the "body bound ego" to include an overarching invisible context.
Why is spirituality important?
Spirituality matters because it is a point of view that grasps what a person essentially is (a subjective field or soul) and because it understands how love (a learning receptivity) leads us to the harmony we all yearn for.
Why is a spiritual quest difficult?
To expand the scope of our love and acceptance means we must visit shadow areas of ourselves and others and replace repulsion, hate and indifference with curiosity, kindness and inclusion. This can be frightening and arduous but deeply rewarding. It is how each of us and our cultures evolve.
Can spirituality change the world?
The only way the human race has evolved and will continue to evolve is by expanding the scope of our love and acceptance. This happens one individual at a time. But as more and more people do this work whole cultures, even the planet, can shift.